What’s the future of search?

I cook rarely. But I plan to cook very frequently. So it begins, my search for the best tandoori chicken or Christmas cake.

I started this approx. 10 months back. And by now I know the most trusted chefs/sites I like to follow are: Sanjeev Kapoor, NDTV, Jamie Oliver, Nigella. Then I have my newly found amateur chefs on Twitter I like. There are also some pages/group I like on Facebook.

But Google sadly doesn’t know my preferences. It shows up what it needs to show up based on its keyword algorithm. Hence, it’s what I want to call (due to lack of latest buzzword knowledge): Keyword driven Search

We have something new now, which makes things better. They call it Google with Social Stats. So the results and their order is same as with Google, they just add the count of Likes, +1s, RTs. (Can they at least enable one to re-order the results sequence basis the social stats??)

We also have Social Search engines which my friend Sid shared with me some time back – it throws up results from posts of people in your friends, follow list.

But, after spending quite a bit of time social networking I am sure I know best about myself. My likes, my dislikes are personal to me. No-one has similar tastes to mine however close he/she is to me. It’s aligned to the fact we all are unique, there’s no-one like us. Hence, shouldn’t the results we want to see also be as per MY tastes?

So, let me get to what I want (I am not knowledgeable enough to predict if this will be future of search, but why not!) to see. Whenever I am searching for a recipe it shows up results only from my defined list of sites/people/groups. Similarly, this can be applied to most searches (News – I personally like Rediff; Cricket – I like cricinfo, Harsha Bhogle’s tweets etc etc). These lists are dynamic, I keep adding/deleting to them – the search engine suggests me to add pages. I call this MYsearch.

P.S. Btw not saying this can’t be done currently (only using complicated Google search operators – location:, AND)